Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I know which level of care is appropriate for me?

Following intake, assessment and agreement to a treatment plan you will enter a defined level of care at which we can provide the most appropriate support for your needs. Stepwell Care uses the American Society of Addiction Medicine Criteria to determine need and placement in the correct level of care. All care at Stepwell Care is provided as an outpatient, through a combination of in-person and virtual visits, and can vary in intensity from all-day care for 5 days a week through to a few hours of care per month. We encourage clients to view addiction as a long term condition and to prepare to participate in long term care. 

  1. Does Stepwell provide in-person or telehealth care?

Stepwell provides both in-person care and telehealth care. Our program is designed to meet your needs, both from a clinical standpoint as well as what's most convenient for you. Some of our clients choose to participate in-person and virtually and others choose to participate fully virtually using telehealth. During your first day you will meet with members of the treatment team who will assess your needs. You may also meet with a nurse practitioner or physician if needed. Following this assessment we will work with you to recommend an appropriate care plan.

  1. What services does Stepwell Care provide?


For some clients, who are actively using alcohol or drugs up to their admission, medically assisted detoxification may be appropriate. This can include close observation, medication for symptom management and daily engagement in care for 3-7 days. Attendance will likely be for the full day and lunch is provided by Stepwell Care.

High Intensity Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization (PHP)

For those having completed detoxification or needing a high level of support to maintain recovery, we offer 5 days per week care. This is generally for 6-8 hours per day for a period of 2-4 weeks tailored to your specific needs. This program includes 1:1 therapy, group therapy, family care, crisis support, skills development, peer support and medical care. Lunch is provided by Stepwell Care.

Intensive Outpatient (IOP)

For those having completed high intensity outpatient care or entering care needing moderate support to maintain recovery, we offer 3-4 days per week care for 3 hours per day. This is generally for a period of 4-8 weeks tailored to your specific needs. This program includes 1:1 therapy, group therapy, family care, crisis support, skills development, peer support and medical care.

Outpatient Care

For those having completed intensive outpatient care or entering care needing lower levels of support to maintain recovery, we offer outpatient care which can range from 8-12 hours per month of 1:1 therapy, group therapy, family care, crisis support, skills development, peer support and medical care to help you maintain recovery.


For clients discharged from formal care at Stepwell Care we offer ongoing programming to help you maintain recovery, community and skills as well as a first point of contact for any crisis support.

  1. Does Stepwell Care offer medications for Substance Use Disorders?

Yes. Your treatment team may recommend and prescribe medications to support your treatment and recovery. Medications may include but are not limited to Buprenorphine, Naltrexone, Lorazepam, and Gabapentin, amongst others.